If you’re on a diet it’s probably best to avoid Munich. The combination of sausage (wurst), pork, potato and sauerkraut is hard to resist. There are plenty of eating options in Munich but don’t be afraid to eat in the beerhouses which serve up great meals.
One of the local specialties is weisswurst which is made of minced veal and pork bacon.
If you’re near Hauptbahnhof, the main train station, check out Ca´D´oro at Bayerstraße 31 which has fantastic take away pizza — perfect after a big night out, particularly during Oktoberfest.
Drinking beer is pretty much the raison d’être for the people of Munich, and Bavarian beer is among the best in the world. It’s best quaffed by the stein in one of Oktoberfest‘s raucous beer halls, brought to you by beer wenches with superhuman strength (these maidens manage six at a time).
But if you can’t make it there for the festival, there are more than enough permanent beer halls and beer gardens in town to keep your thirst sated.
It is safe to drink the tap water in Munich.