If you decide that this is a good policy for you and you find a reputable dealer, it is something to consider. However, before you sign the contract, think about these facts.
Who Offers The Warranty?
Car dealerships oftentimes offer access to third-party warranties. This is important because you might end up faced with a deal that is offered by an insurance provider with a bad track record. Always be sure that you know everything that you can about the issuer. For instance, if you need Chevy extended warranty, go for someone like Olive, with a proven track record. Never opt for deals coming from dealerships or insurance providers that you know nothing about.
Shop For The Very Best Price
There is a very good possibility that the car dealership will give you an extended warranty policy that you can add to the purchase but this deal is rarely the very best one you can put your hands on. Just as with any service you buy, it is very important that you shop around. You have to be patient and focus on those that offer the best possible quality for the money that you are going to pay. Also, it is a very good idea to opt for those policies that were specifically created for your car model.
Be Aware Of What Is Covered And What Is Not
Just as with any warranty out there, there are different things that are covered and things that are not covered. When it comes to extended warranties, many insurers give you access to coverage tiers, like platinum, gold, and silver. Every single level has a price tag and a coverage level. You have to take all the time you need to read what is covered and what is not covered before you sign any contract.
It is also very important to determine the exact front cost for a repair bill. Sometimes the repairs are not fully covered and you have to pay a specific deductible. Being aware of exactly what is covered and what is not covered will help you to make very good choices that are financially viable for you.
Your Personal Repair Cost History
Last but not least, it is very important that you think about your personal history when it comes to auto repairs. For instance, if you oftentimes drive in an aggressive manner, your tires get damaged faster and you have to replace them. If your extended warranty policy does not cover tire repairs and replacements, it is most likely not a good fit for you, based on your driving style and repair history.
Obviously, you will not have the exact same car repair history for 2 different vehicles. However, when you buy a similar car, you can get a rough idea of how much coverage you need.