At least 11 people have been killed and more than 30 injured after a blast that shook a naval base in Southern Cyprus, according to state officials.

The massive explosion occurred this morning at the Greek Cypriot naval base at Zygi.

Cyprus National Guard Chief Petros Tsalikidis told local media that the damage at the base was “extensive.”

Police told the CNA news agency that two containers of explosive stored in the munitions dump at the Evangelos Florakis naval base caught fire.

"The whole place is in a mess and we are trying to handle the situation," he said.

Five fire fighters, four members of the Greek Cypriot National Guard and two sailors were killed, according to the CNA news agency, which cited military reports.

Commerce Minister Antonis Paschalides said that the blasts were "tragedy of Biblical dimensions.”

According to some sources, the blast could be felt up to 40 km away.