Withe temperatures across New South Wales set to soar above 40 degrees, authorities have imposed a state-wide fire ban.

Fire danger in the Illawarra, Shoalhaven and southern ranges is expected to be extremely high and national parks, reserves and state forests across the state will be closed as a preventitive measure reports ABC News.

Already more than 90 fires are burning across the state; around 20 of those are not under control.

Premier Barry O’Farrell says record rainfall has produced large fuel loads, and combined with scorching temperatures and high winds this has increase the risk of fire.

“Tomorrow is not going to be just another ordinary day. Tomorrow will be perhaps the worst fire danger day this state has ever faced.” he said.

Temperatures in Sydney are expected to reach sizzling highs of up to 43 degrees.O’

O’Farrell said: “If Sydney reaches 43 tomorrow, it will only be the third time in the history of record keeping that the temperature in Sydney has been that high,” he said.

Thousands of firefighters and about 70 aircraft have been placed on standby across the state in case of emergency

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