The podcast tackles head on the most important political decision of the current generation – to stay in, or leave, the EU – delivered in an easily digestible style and format that is informative and accessible. 

With much of the UK population not knowing who to vote for or what the implications are, the show aims to offer a rounded debate, using spokespeople from both sides of the argument, including Owen Jones (The Guardian and New Statesman), James Delingpole (author and Spectator columnist), Dreda Say Mitchell (author and Guardian columnist) and James Eden (Manchester based factory owner and founder of menswear label, Private White VC).

Rick Edwards said: “The EU referendum is an incredibly important decision that rests in our hands. With all the information out there, some of it factual, some of it sensationalist, we wanted to create a podcast that tried to get to the bottom of the main issues, and provide some intelligent insight, without scaremongering, ahead of the vote next week.”

Other guests include Ross Ashcroft (writer and director of The Four Horsemen), David Pearl (London based property magnate, founder of Pearl & Coutts) and Ann Pettifour (director of policy research in Macroeconomics at Prime Economics).