The man, identified as local resident Stephen Paddock aged 64 shot himself as local law enforcement officers prepared to storm the suite he was in at the Mandalay Bay casino complex.

The Las Vegas strip was hosting the open-air Route-91 festival when Paddock opened fire on concert-goers from the 32nd floor of the complex. 59 people are so far confirmed dead with over 500 injured in what is said to be the worst mass shooting in US history. At first, revellers thought the rounds of automatic fire were firecrackers until it became clear something awful was going down. 

Many videos have hit the internet and in one, the noise of gunfire can be heard over the band, they stop playing and run off the stage and a woman can be heard saying ‘Oh my god, something’s happening. Get down, get down‘.

Aussie Brian Hodge, in Las Vegas with members of his team, has described how he took cover in bushes outside the Mandalay Bay complex: “I’m OK, hiding in bushes, ran outside the hotel,” he told News Corp Australia, he said that he expected to remain in hiding for a while.“It’s going to be a long time before I get to a safe place, this place is in lockdown,”

Police were also searching for a female in connection with shooting but have reported that Marilou Danley, aged 62, who they believe is Paddock’s partner is out of the country and appears to have no involvement.

Any Australians with concerns for friends or family who are in Vegas can contact the Dept of Foreign Affairs and TRade’s 24-hr Consular Emergency Centre on 1 300 555 135, or +61 2 6261 3305