Justin Clark, a 24-year-old, from Iowa, was arrested after being spotted ‘driving all over the road’ by neighbours.

Police breathalysed Clark, returning a 0.486 BAC. They took him from his vehicle to hospital where a blood test revealed a blood alcohol level of 0.627 per cent.

A blood alcohol level of 0.30 is considered a lethal dose, and can often cause people to go into a coma or die.

Michael Takacs, an emergency room doctor at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics told The Cedar Rapids Gazette: “That’s astronomically high, and the highest I’ve ever heard of,” Takacs said. “For even the most seasoned alcoholic, 0.627 would be a lethal dose possibly.”

Takacs reckons Clark must have drank something close to 50 units of alcohol in four hours, that’s equivalent to 35 shots or six bottles of wine. 

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