On average, food waste is costing households £470 a year, increased to £700 for a larger family… the equivalent to a holiday or even a new piece of technology to add to your home.
The good news, however, is that between 2007 and 2012, there has been a 21% reduction in food waste all round – this is the equivalent of 23 million black bins filled with food!
With this in mind, the household giant AO.com has developed an interactive piece to help you to save money with your food purchases. When the equivalent of a whole fridge full of food is at stake, a simple change in lifestyle can just be what is needed.
With a downloadable meal planner, tips on food labels, an array of recipes to try, plus a guide on what you can freeze, AO have thought of everything to help you prevent waste and help you save.
You can follow the waste less food journey here: http://ao.com/life/kitchen/kitchen-tips/wasteless/