Voting for the TNT Magazine Travel Writing and Photography Awards has now closed and the winners were announced at the TNT Sun and Snow Travel Show on Saturday October 10 2009.

See all the winners in the TWPA Winners Gallery and read the judges comments

Plus check out our new photography competition and enter for your chance to win 2 return flights to Australia, New Zealand or South Africa

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TNT Photography Competition Readers Choice Shortlist


Check out the best of each weeks photography entries, as selected by TNT’s Picture Editor.

View all entries so far in the TNT online photo gallery

Alternatively view entries within each of the photo categories: The Natural World, People and Your London. week 1

2009 Week 1 Shot of the Week

The Natural World
My Portuguese fine feathered friend by Andrew Bulled





 2009 Week 2 Shot of the Week week 2

Vietnamese Boy by Wojciech Walter






 2009 Week 3 Shot of the Week week 3

Cambodian Monks at Ankor Wat by Andrew Curry






 2009 Week 4 Shot of the Week week 4

The Natural World
Overgrown by Ruben Reehorst






2009 Week 5 Shot of the Week week 5

Geisha in Kyoto by Jonathan Boyle






2009 Week 6 Shot of the Week week 6

The Natural World
Kingfisher by Ian Schofield






2009 Week 7 Shot of the Week week 7

The Merriest thing about Shetland by Chelsea Kappeler
















2009 Week 8 Shot of the Week week 8

Shepherd by Jarrod Castaing