The Canadian High Commission’s application process requires IEC candidates to create an online profile, then join a pool of applicants and await an Invitation to Apply. By pre-registering for BUNAC’s Work Canada programme, applicants not only benefit from expert support and advice on eligibility and supporting documents, they also gain access to BUNAC’s Facebook group, online webinars, plus email and text messages alerting them to any announcements and upcoming deadlines.
Work Canada participants benefit from BUNAC’s long-standing relationships with a wide array of top Canadian resorts and key seasonal employers. There are countless opportunities for seasonal work in the tourist industry, especially in the Canadian Rockies, which provide endless outdoor activities during the summer months and winter sports in some of the world’s top ski resorts. Previous jobs held by BUNACers have included snowboarding instructor, teacher, Spa receptionist and photographer in the mountains during the ski season.
Two BUNAC programmes are available: The Essentials package, where candidates are supported in finding a job on arrival in Canada, costs £359, while the Ultimate package includes full assistance in finding a job before departure, and costs £499. UK-based interviews with Canadian employers, either in person or via Skype, take place in April and May for summer jobs and from July to September for the winter season, which begins in November/December.
Candidates signing up for either Essentials or Ultimate have the option of getting to know like-minded gappers on one of BUNAC’s sociable group flights, costing from £505 to Toronto, and from £670 to Vancouver with the added benefit of a three-day stopover in Iceland. They also receive assistance with travel insurance, two free nights’ accommodation on arrival in Canada, comprehensive arrival orientation and use of BUNAC’s resource centres in Toronto and Vancouver, where a wealth of practical support is available, from opening a bank account to finding accommodation, job opportunities, social events, travel advice and more.
For further details or to register for Work Canada now with a £50 deposit, visit or, to speak with a member of the BUNAC team, telephone 033 3999 7516.