Jeremy Clarkson and his wife have both texted Jemima Khan over the super-injunction allegations on Twitter, Jemima said on the website earlier today.

According to the British socialite, Jemima has received a text from Jeremy Clarkson saying: “It’s odd. I’m sure I’d remember if any photos of us existed.”

Apparently, also Jeremy Clarkson wife Francie has sent Jemima a “nice text”.

Jemima tweeted: “I’ve woken up trapped in a bloody nightmare.”

Jemima Khan slams Jeremy Clarkson super-injunction on Twitter

Wikipedia names super-injunction celebs

She added: “The proof that I haven’t got a super injunction is that the papers have printed my name (and no one else’s- for fear of being sued).”

David Cameron has already criticised the practise of super-injunctions and he was backed up by Tory MP Louise Bagshawe who said:

“You cannot keep things secret in this day and age because of Twitter and other social networking websites, which are outside the British jurisdiction,” she said.

Bagshawe also said that the system, in it current shape and form, needed to change.

“Impractical law is bad law, and the courts have been overtaken by social networking websites. “

“There is no point in trying to contain it because it’s widely available everywhere. It also devalues the use super-injunctions when they are necessary and proper, such as protecting the new identity of a child who has committed murder.”