Getting away can be an expensive business, but by following a few simple tips, you’ll be able to make your money go that much further. Let’s have a look at some of the ways of ensuring you stay in the black.
Look for late deals:
In this internet age, lots of people think that the good old late deal no longer exists. You might have to shop around a bit more than in the past, but 2014 late holidays are excellent travel options for those who want to get more from their vacation minus the excessive spending. If you’re willing to put in the time, and also to genuinely wait until the last moment to book, those late bargains are still out there.
Buy your currency in advance:
We all know that you need some local money for your break, but how many of us wait until we get to the airport to think about getting our sterling exchanged? This is a huge mistake, as the exchange rate and commission that you pay will be nowhere near as good as rates available elsewhere. So, plan in advance, do a bit of research online, and exchange your money in good time from the bank or shop that is offering the best deal.
Avoid putting luggage in the hold if possible:
If you’re having a short break and getting there with a budget airline, try to avoid putting any luggage in the hold, as there will be a charge for this. As well as making the most of your personal baggage allowance, don’t forget that you can ‘wear’ some of your luggage, by stowing it in your pockets and around your body. Wear a big coat with lots of pockets to maximise savings here!
So – there we have it, three top tips to ensure your hard-earned cash goes further. Bon voyage!
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