25, from England
What’s your job like?
I work for an accounting company in Heidelberg, 20 minutes from Melbourne’s CBD. My job involves scanning files and saving them to their system.
What did you do back home?
I was an assistant buyer for a Christmas decorations and children’s toy department.
How does your new job compare?
It’s pretty much the exact opposite. There are no deadlines, no stresses and no worries, which is good seeing as I am on holiday.
How did you get the job?
I went to register with an agency, who then sent me to another agency, where I was interviewed.
Was it hard finding a job?
Not at all, the agency I went to offered me this job immediately. I started the next day.
What are the good points?
As long as I get my work finished they leave me alone all day, which means I can listen to music and watch YouTube videos all day.
Any bad points?
Not really, strangely I quite enjoy the work.
Any funny stories to share?
After a week I was invited to a bowling night with a free bar. After one too many drinks I told the company owner he holds his conference in Thailand every year because of his love for ladyboys. Luckily he saw the funny side!
How’s the pay?
Pretty good. $20 an hour.
How long have you been in Australia for?
Six months now. I have been to Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne.
Where to next?
The east coast, New Zealand (North and South Islands, Perth, Japan, China and onto Malaysia.
Any advice for other travellers considering a job in office/admin sector?
Dress smartly and work hard but don’t take things too seriously, you’re on holiday!
Agency Contacts
Hays Personnel
Ph: 1800 805 051
Geoffrey Nathan
Ph: 1300 GNJOBS
Dixon Appointments
Ph: (03) 9629 9999
Cox Purtell Staffing Services
Ph: (02) 9231 3300