John Gallagher 28, Mayo, Ireland Tell us about your travels so far? So far, my fiancée and I have driven from Sydney to Broome taking in Surfers Paradise, Cairns and Darwin. St Patrick’s Day in Darwin was a blast. After doing and seeing as much as possible it’s off to Bali, then we finish off the year back in New South Wales and Victoria.
What made you decide to come and work here? Australia seems to be a preferred destination for people and why wouldn’t it be. WA has great weather, fantastic sights and attractions, a welcoming population and a vastness that allows unlimited discovery.
How did you land your job? I registered with an agency and had an interview within a few days. I started work the Monday following the interview.
And what exactly is it that you do now? At the moment I work as an engineer with the Development Services Branch of the Water Corporation in Leederville. The majority of my work involves the installation and upgrading of water and wastewater services throughout WA.
What are you planning to do with the money you earn from this job? Most of my accrued funds are going towards my wedding in Bali this November. Whatever is left will go towards enjoying and experiencing as much of Australia as possible.
Do you have any funny stories to share about your job? My visit to the Desalination plant at Kwinana was a real eye opener and a new role in the Water Corporation gave me new projects to work with. There’s always something interesting going on and with cake mornings and celebrations of all sorts, there’s never a dull moment.
What are the good points about your new job? The people I work with on a regular basis are very approachable and friendly and I’m continually introduced to more. Working with ongoing projects across the state is a novel – and for me the best – way of getting to know a place.
And are there any bad points about your job? The fact that to fund my trip some form of work must be done… That’s the only negative thing I can think of. But the work is good.
What advice can you give to other travellers considering your type of work? Go for it. There is no better way to experience a country and culture than to get involved in projects and developments in the area.