Train with a new-fangled device called a ‘rip trainer,’ and you could get a six-pack that will make Peter Andre look fat.

What makes this bit of TRX kit different is that it was developed by a physical therapist, and the former US Tae Kwon-do champ Pete Holman. And he’s ripped.

London-based trainer Mark Rahaman reckons users can maximise their core workout with rip training with control, and without damaging themselves.

“It works every angle of the core,” he says, “while keeping the spine in a neutral position so you don’t damage or put a stress or a heavy load on your discs.” Rahaman, has started offering one-to-one rip training sessions and rip training as part of his boot camps.

The best bit is that Rahaman reckons participants only need to do rip training twice a week to see banging results.

One-to-one training sessions start from £60 or join in a group boot camp session for £10 every Mon, Wed and Fri from 7.40am to 8.25am.

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Tube | Russell Square