Dave Lister, the show’s central character played by Craig Charles, is bonkers about beer and vindaloo. To honour the new show and his character, Dave will launch the balloon into outer space (where the series is set). The balloon will be set on its journey as soon as there’s enough helium, which is released in to the vessel every time a Twitter user tweets the hash tags #vindalunar or #RedDwarfX.

Dave’s even letting fans watch the balloon being filled live on the TV channel’s homepage.

Robert Llewellyn, the show’s writer, has released the titles of the first six episodes, so mega-sci-fi geeks can get excited. They include ‘Trojan’, ‘Fathers and Suns’, ‘Lemons’ and ‘Entangled’.

“I could try and be all self deprecating and depressed because I don’t want to raise your hopes too much, but I just can’t do that,” says series writer Robert, “but I just can’t do that. Red Dwarf X is way better than I ever dared hope.

“I truly believe you are going to love it!”

The comedy sci-fi series Red Dwarf began on BBC Two in 1988 and aired until 1999. It developed a huge cult following and was aired by Dave in 2009 and will be in 2012. The new series is set to have the three original cast including Chris Barrie, Craig Charles and Danny John-Jules.

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