Although the idea seems to have the support of thousands more.
Earlier this week, Boris threw his weight behind the ‘How to Solve a Problem like a Visa’ proposal, which he hoped would reverse the drop in Australian migration to Britain.
The report challenges Britain’s immigration cap limiting the number of migrants it can take in from outside Europe to 20,000.
The Mayor wants a ‘bilateral mobility zone’ agreement between Australia and Britain, like the one between Australia and New Zealand.
The story about the idea attracted more than 80,000 hits on TNT’s Facebook page and hundreds commented or pressed the ‘like’ button on the TNT website.
“How awesome would this be?” posted Morgan.
“Awesome as hell,” replied Sam.
Kerryn welcomed the news with, “That has just made my day!” while for Kara, a simple, “Woooooooo” followed by 10 love heart symbols was enough. Even shorter and to the point was Kate’s, “F**k yes.”
For some back home, the change would see them heading hotfoot back to Blighty.
Renae would “be back straight away,” while Ellen “will be right behind you Renae” and Alistair “can’t wait to get back” and is “doing everything I can to get there”.
Other comments were more sceptical and questioning.
Andrew wanted to know, “Why would Aussies wanna stay long term in UK? Your weather is better, pay is better and life in general seems more comfy in Oz.” In a similar vein, Colin asked, “Why would you want to live here? All our lot move over your way. Grass is greener but that’s about it.”
Doubts were creeping in for Kristie whose line was, “I just don’t want to get these hopes up”, for Dass who was, “Fingers crossed,” and Andy who “doesn’t think it will happen under the current government.” Natasha was more definitive. “They have until I graduate to sort their shit out,” she wrote.
Questions were raised. Like Hayley’s, “Does this mean no age limit?” and Kerryn’s, “Does this mean we can get a second one [visa]?”
But harsher criticism reared its head too.
Sue criticised the unfairness of the current system and pointed to some non-Australians who “simply come to take advantage of every benefit they can.”
Someone using the handle ‘Big Bird’ condemned the Mayor’s support as “Just another stunt by Boris” that was no more likely to fly than his Thames Estuary airport idea.
Theloneous Honk (surely too good a name not to be his own) wondered whether the plan was being put forward “because white, sorry I mean pink, foreign nationals … are considered higher in the food chain than beige, brown or black foreign nationals?” before advising Boris to “start canvassing as the new UKIP clown” and follow Nigel Farage who had “a similar line on dodgy versus dapper Europeans”.
‘Rudobrody’ drew distinctions between immigrants he described as ‘expats’ from the Commonwealth and ‘refugees’ from Africa, who he thought should be allowed in, and EU citizens who should not.
What do you think?