The stories are written by Catherine Cole, Laurie Steed and Chris Womersley, and will be read for you by David Pullan, Joel Davey and Linda Taimre. There’s even a complimentary welcome drink on arrival; not bad, eh?

Doors open 6pm and the recording starts promptly at 6:30pm, with things coming to a close at 8pm.

The stories will be broadcast on Radio 4 on July 18, July 25 and August 1 from 3.45pm.

In June of this year, the first Australia New Zealand Literature Festival took place. ‘Stories from the Southern Cross’ consists of three new pieces of writing produced in collaboration with this event.

Each represents a new voice from the Antipodes – a place at once very familiar but in fact quite different. It depicts a world of aggressive ennui, of suburban sprawl battling with a voracious bush and extreme weather, of taboos and generations colliding as old, White Australia comes to terms with another generation of migration.

Tickets are free – book yours here.

Image credit: Thinkstock