The staff emit a warmth that is refreshingly genuine, and are eager to dole out the type of insider recommendations often overlooked by guidebooks. It’s best to catch the place early in the season, when the only customers filling up the dining room are chattering locals happily sipping Rioja. Later in the season, the place fills up with cavers, hikers and travelling surfers who can choose between dozens of sandy stretches dotting the coast. Breakfast in the morning is a simple but delicious spread of the region’s famed cheese and ham.
Wow factor: Around the corner lies Playa de Troenzo, a hidden gem of a beach. It’s small and pristine, and is one of dozens within walking distance. Mountain views make all holiday photos postcard-perfect.
Rooms: The rooms are spotless and spacious. Apartments are also stacked with every conceivable convenience, from Tupperware to DVD players sporting a USB port.
Bill please: A one-bedroom apartment from £72pn, and individual rooms from £35pn.
Playa Miracielos, Barro, 33595 Llanes, Asturias Spain