An Australian lesbian couple are expecting quintuplets without IVF, beating odds of one in 60 million.

Melissa Keevers, 27, and her partner Rosemary Nolan, 21, who already have a child born to Melissa through donor insemination, had not been expecting the pitter-patter of quite so many tiny feet.

“I was in shock for weeks,” Melissa told Australia’s Woman’s Day magazine. “It took me a long time to get my head around what was happening. But now I’ve come to terms with it, I’m excited.”

“During the scan the doctor asked us if we wanted the news, but as he looked pale, we were worried something was wrong.

“He then told us he’d found five gestational sacs meaning, if all went well, we’d have five babies. We can’t repeat what we said next.”

The incidence of multiple foetuses developing without the use of in-vitro fertilisation is very rare.

The biological father, a 27-year-old college student chosen for his good teeth and eyesight and high IQ, won’t meet the sprogs as he signed a waiver guaranteeing anonymity.