Well, knock me down with a feather duster: men spend two hours per day doing household chores, a 60 percent increase compared to 30 years ago.
Latest research from the office of National Statistics shows men catching up on women in the housework stakes.
And the research shows that men are faster at it too – on average, cooking and washing up takes men 27 minutes while women spend 54 minutes. Shopping is also a 27 minute experience for men, but 40 minutes for women.
And it seems that if you're on the dole, you'll be more into cleaning – unemployed women on average work five hours and 55 minutes each day on employment and chores and men spend five hours and 37 minutes.
Domestically, employed men work two hours 28 minutes on chores. This gives them more time to relax, watch and give advice to their female counterparts as they go about their four hours and 40 minutes worth of chores.
"The idea of what it is to be a man is changing," Professor Jonathan Gershuny, director of the Centre for Time Use Research at Oxford University, and co-author of the new report Gender Convergence in Domestic Work, told Metro.
"It wouldn’t surprise me if man overtakes woman in total hours worked.
"But while men are doing more cooking and home work, they are doing no extra laundry whatsoever. I’m guilty of that, too."
Psychologist Dr Colin Gill feels that ego is the key player in this change of behaviour as today it was the men felt the greatest pressure and were much more worried about their status.
"It may mean they are taking on more work in the home, not simply to save or preserve their money but also to assert their masculinity."
After all, nothing says 'masculine' like an apron and a pair of washing-up gloves.