A new poll has uncovered how many Britons are getting vanity-based treatments on the NHS; revealing the lies they often tell to get the treatment they want, even though they don’t meet the criteria to actually have the procedure for free.

Medicalaccidentgroup.co.uk conducted the research as part of an ongoing study into the procedures Britons have through the NHS. 1,394 people aged 18 and over from around the UK, all of whom stated they had received some kind of aesthetic procedure within the past five years on the NHS, were quizzed.

The top five procedures that people asked for were breast implants, mole removal, breast reduction, rhinoplasty (a nose job) and ear reshaping.

Wanting to delve a little deeper, all respondents were then asked to state whether or not they initially met the criteria required to receive the treatment on the NHS, to which a quarter, 24%, said ‘No, I lied to get it’.

All of those who admitted they had lied were asked what they had been dishonest about. 41% said they lied about their appearance making them self-conscious in some way, whilst 11% said how they looked was making them depressed. 9% had ‘lied about being in pain’ and 3% claimed they had bent the truth when it came to something impacting their health (e.g. problems breathing where rhinoplasty was concerned).

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