Murderer Raoul Moat warned his ex-girlfriend that he was "going to go crazy" in a prison phone call, an inquest heard.
Moat killed his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend Chris Brown last July then shot his ex-girlfriend Samantha Stobbart, leaving her in a critical condition.
He then shot and blinded traffic officer PC David Rathband the following evening.
A week later, Moat died in a six-hour stand-off with police in Rothbury, Northumberland. He shot himself in the head and was fired at twice by police officers during the stand-off.
The inquest at Newcastle Crown Court listened to the phone call which was recorded during Moat's prison sentence in which he was serving 18 weeks for assaulting a child.
During the phone call, Moat moans that "everybody is getting on my case."
He also said: "You are the only person I have ever cared about. I can't have you out of my life. I'm going to go crazy, man."
His 22-year-old ex told him that she had met a new man who is a "handy f**king bloke and he is a lot younger than you".
Policeman blinded by Raoul Moat arrested for assault
The inquest also listened as Moat's suicide notes to friends were read out, which one which said: "Sorry mate, I'm done with it all."
During the inquest, jurors have to decide if shots fired from the police's new XREP shotgun Tasers may have caused Moat to have suffered "neuromuscular incapacitation" which could have made him shoot himself without meaning to.
The inquest continues.