Before jumping into nursing in Australia, allow us to tell you a thing or two for consideration. First things first. To take on a nursing role in Oz you must be registered with the nursing board. Luckily, from July 1 of this year all of the state’s boards merged into one, meaning nurses only have to register once to work anywhere in Australia. Before, you had to register in each state you wanted to work in.

There are five criterion for registration which are:

1. You establish your identity;

2. You meet English language proficiency criteria for the nursing and midwifery professions.

3. You meet current Australian nursing and midwifery education standards;

4. You can prove you have practised as a nurse and/or midwife within a defined period of time preceding the application;

5. You can demonstrate you are ‘fit to practise’ nursing and/or midwifery in Australia.

Registration generally costs a few hundred dollars but you can get more information on this at or by asking a nursing recruitment company. In terms of location, nurses are in in demand around the whole country.”The major cities have the biggest opportunities but we are also seeing demand in rural areas,” says Zoe Gibbs of Pulse Staffing Australia. Zoe says, depending on experience, a registered nurse can expect to earn up to $55 per hour before penalties. Did someone say, “Cha-ching?”