A tastecard gives you 50% OFF OR 2 FOR 1 at 5500+ fantastic UK restaurants. As a TNT reader you can join the tasteclub for a month…… FOR FREE!
(No payment details are taken so there are ‘NO STRINGS ATTACHED’ we just thought you may want to give it a try to see what you think!)
If you decide to use thetastecard after the 1 month period, you will also benefit from ourspecial preferential rate for the yearly membership.
Your tastecard will enable you to enjoy 50% or 2-FOR-1 across starters, mains & desserts in thousands of UK & Ireland restaurants – simply ‘flash’ your card at any participating eatery and your food bill will be automatically halved!
Join over 500,000 members who benefit from the taste½ Price discount, for a whole month… FOR FREE!
Sign up today! www.tastecard.co.uk/trial/tnt
Memberships typically take 2-3 days for delivery however during busy periods can take upto 20 days for delivery.This offer is strictly limited to new members and UK residents only, one membership per household.
See the FAQ’s on Tastecard on next page
FAQ’s : What is tastecard?
tastecard is the UK & Ireland’s largest diners club, with over 5500+ participating restaurantsoffering over 500,000 members huge savings every time they dine out. Each member receivesa personalised membership card which they show at the restaurants to receive the discount.
What offers are available to the members?
There are only 2 offers for the restaurants to choose from:50% off the total food bill: This applies to everyone dining in the group, although the restaurantmay place a maximum number of people per booking (see website for each individual offer).The vast majority of restaurants are on this offer.2 for 1: This is an offer for couples and applies to all courses ordered (starters, mains anddesserts). The cheaper item from each course is deducted from the bill.
What are the average savings each time I use the card?
It depends where you go and how many people are in the group, but average savings are around£25-£30 each time the card is used.
What menu does the offer apply to?
Importantly, and unlike other dining schemes, the offer applies to the full a la carte menu. It cannotbe used in conjunction with other special offers (which may include special set menu offers).
Can the restaurants exclude any days or times?
The only exclusions that the restaurants can place, if they wish, are Friday and/or Saturday nights.
Why do some restaurants ask members to advance book?
If the restaurant has a telephone icon illustrated on its page then advance bookings must bemade, and taste must be mentioned. This is because if the discount has not been mentionedand the bill is produced, the manager would then have to recalculate the bill; which can be timeconsuming. If the restaurant is already aware that you are a taste member,they can calculate the bill including the discount from the outset.
Are the cards transferable?
No, the cards are strictly non-transferable. They are printed with your name on, so cannot beloaned to friends or family members.
Why do restaurants participate and provide such a bigdiscount to taste members?
As taste is a closed community, the restaurants are able to offer a large discount withoutpublicising that offer to the general public. As our members pay for membership they tend to begood quality covers – the type of customers that the restaurants like to get through their doors.The whole ethos of taste is to make eating out more affordable, thus encouraging people to eatout more regularly. By doing this, we are helping both our members and our partner restaurants;and as such are highly valued by both.
How do I keep informed of new restaurants joining?
Our website, www.tastecard.co.uk is fully up-to-date with all of the offers currently available. Thenumber of restaurants is growing all of the time, and you can keep informed by visiting the websiteand signing up for the taste newsletter, which will be emailed to you detailing new restaurants thathave joined the scheme. When you are out and about, we have our 3 Smartphone apps available,all free to download, helping you to make the most of your tastecard. Apps are available foriphone, Android & Blackberry!