1. UK Green Film Festival

Are you passionate about the environment? ‘Course you are. Do you want to travel to more than 14 cities on a mission to inform people? Why wouldn’t you… The Green Film Festival might be just the thing. It brings together the best environmental films from around the world and screens them nationwide. They provoke thoughtful thoughts while at the same time provide top quality entertainment. Here’s a trailer.

To get involved contact Morgane at morgane@ukgreenfilmfestival.org

June 1 – 8 | ukgreenfilmfestival.org


2. Fife Surf Kayak Club, Scotland

Have you ever wanted to learn how to surf kayak? If ya, then get involved with the Scottish Canoe Association. You might freeze your ass off but they will teach you everything you need to know to develop your skills in surf kayaking. You’ll learn about the basics of safety, paddling and rolling in a safe environment (I’d rather roll around in bed to be honest). Volunteers can work their way up to a 3 star surf status which can then possibly lead toward instructor level. Great stuff. Contact Mac at vskc@live.co.uk or 077 0888 33115 for more info. 

All year round | vskc.co.uk/

%TNT Magazine% surf kayak uk

3. Festival of Stone, Bristol

If you don’t want to go away for too long and are a bit of an art/stone lover then why not go to Bristol and experience the beauty that is the west country. The Festival of Stone is all about music, theatre, good food, booze and carving (stones not waves). We’re talking some of the best stone, wood and clay carvers – people who have restored whole cathedrals and created life-size portraits of people, famous people. All you need to do is fill out the volunteer form on their website, specify your interests and they will do their best to find the perfect job for you so you won’t end up picking trash for the whole ten days. 

May 31 – June 9 | festivalofstone.com/

%TNT Magazine% stone mason uk


4. Find a Boat

Love sailing but have no experience whatsoever? Why not set up a profile on findacrew.net and find yourself a nice big yacht to sail the British Isles? If you’re not into wild waters and strong currents then why not try the safer canal barge alternative. There are so many people on that website trying to find a crew to join their boat for the price of nothing. In return you might have to do slightly shitty jobs like cleaning and cooking but the experience is totally worth it.

All year round | www.findacrew.net

%TNT Magazine% sailing


5. Join the Snowdonia Society

Save the best for last they say. The Snowdonia Society works hard to preserve the beauty and diversity of the north Welsh landscape, wildlife and heritage of Snowdon. They have regular work days where volunteers can join for up to as many days as they like. You will learn about practical conservation work, explore Snowdon, meet new friends, get fit and keep Snowdonia beautiful. Activities include footpath maintainance, the clearance of invasive species, fly tipping and litter. Travel expenses are also paid for up to a maximum of £15. Not bad considering some charities CHARGE you to volunteer.

Contact Jenny Whitmore, the Conservation Snowdonia Project Officer on 01286 685498 or email Conservation Snowdonia Project Manager Mary-Kate Jones bea@snowdonia-society.org.uk for more info on how to join. You don’t need previous experience and all training is provided.


Check out this video of the Snowdonia Society doing it’s good deeds