Malik is suing the magazine for £1.3m, alleging that they “morphed” the images to make her look naked on a cover that’s due to appear this month.

She also said that she didn’t get paid for the photographs, which have sparked controversy in Pakistan.

Speaking on the BBC’s World Have Your Say programme, she said: “If you look at my shoot, I do admit that I have done a topless shoot.

“But it was not that topless – a proportion of the body was covered with my hands.

“I liked the idea of a bold shoot, but I did not do a nude shoot – that’s why I am standing here today, because I have to prove it.

“I won’t allow anybody to remove my bikini or my shalwar (loose trousers) or my dupatta (scarf).

“If I want to do it, I will do it myself. And if I do it, I will own it.”

%TNT Magazine% malik fhm

Malik’s lawyer Ayaz Bilawala has denied that the image was real and said she was wearing underwear though the whole shoot.

He has demanded that the magazine is removed from news stands.

There have been reports that Malik’s father has disowned her over the furore.

But Malik defended the images, saying: “If you look at the industry which I am working right now, there are various examples of such shoots – it’s not that I am the first one who has done it.

“Why is sexuality such a big problem? Are we actually grown up? Are we still living in the jungles?”