The men first demonstrated the explosive power of one Piccolo Pete firework, releasing its characteristic firework fountain and high-pitched screeching noise.
The men then carefully arranged 500 Piccolo Pete fireworks in ten neat pinwheels, so they could all be lit at once. Then, used barbeque lighters, they hand-light all of the fireworks in tandem, one of them joking, “someone is going to need long arms over here!”
The explosion let off a loud, screeching boom, with smoke quickly billowing above the level of trees and nearby houses.
This video is only one small example of people experimenting with fireworks across the United States come the Fourth of July.
In 2011, approximately 200 people are sent to the emergency room every day in the United States in the month surrounding the Fourth of July, according the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, which totals around 9,600 people. Over half of these injuries happen because a consumer was not using fireworks according to instructions.
“For thousands of consumers, last year’s Fourth of July celebration ended with a visit to the emergency room,” said CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum. “CPSC wants you to understand the risks with legal and illegal fireworks, in order to prevent an injury, or worse, during this holiday.”
6 states in the US ban all fireworks, 20 states allow “safe and sane” fireworks, 5 states allow only novelty items, and the remaining 19 states allow almost all fireworks to be bought and used by consumers at their own discretion.
With half a month left in the injury peak around the Fourth of July in the United States, there does not appear to be a shortage of videos to come from across the country.
Photo via Geddy.