A new law passed by the European Union (EU) has lifted the ban on selling wonky fruits and veggies, meaning that snigger-worthy carrots and potatoes could soon be gracing the shelves of our supermarkets.

The move will be welcomed by campaigners, who highlight the crazy wastefulness of nearly 50% of the UK’s carrots being thrown away every year, due to being misshapen.

Now the EU is repealing “Marketing standards” for 26 vegetables.

At present, for example, Class I cucumbers must “be reasonably well shaped and practically straight (maximum height of the arc: 10 mm per 10 cm of the length of cucumber)”.

Vegetables not meeting these standards must be separately packaged.

“People have been brainwashed into believing everything has to be a uniform size,” Geoff Stokes, secretary of the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners told the BBC.

“It has always struck me as more to do with the supermarkets wanting to package things easier, if everything is the same shape and the same size.”

It is hoped that the current economic climate will encourage shoppers to buy misshapen vegetables as a way to save money.

On Friday, campaigners will cook a meal for 5,000 in Trafalgar Square using discarded, wonky fruit and veg.

What are your thoughts on knobbly carrots? Do share.