With the advent of the internet, everyone has a chance to become famous, in one way or another. Of course, to do so, they will use social media, most of the times. But what if you want people to recall meeting you or to get them to look for more information about you? How will you do that in the real world? Well, the answer is simple: The old school way!

Leave Your Card

Today, it seems like everyone you meet simply adds you to their contact list, on their phone. That is a good start, but certainly not the way to stand out. Imagine going to a special event, where you and others will try to catch the attention of a few. They can be producers, editors, business leaders, amongst others. You may be interesting to them for a minute, but be sure that when they will get back home, they will have forgotten about almost everyone they did encounter. That name, on their phone? It won’t really mean anything to them. And so, it will probably just disappear at some point, or stay there forever, uncalled.

Not if you have your Wunderlabel card on you, though. Most people don’t take the time to have their own card printed anymore. That is what we call an opportunity. If you are witty enough to go against the grain, then there is definitely a chance that you get a call back, from that important person you were so looking forward to working with. That’s because the card will find its way on their desk, or they will find it inside their pocket, while looking for something else. Since you are part of a very small crowd to have done so (if not the only one), it is quite possible that it will work in your favour. You still have to make a good first impression, though.

Leave a Trace

The other great way to be noticed, is to leave a trace, wherever you go, whenever possible. If there are boards around, place a customized sticker with your info on it. Stickers are particularly great for people who play in bands, do stand-up comedy or any other form of entertainment. In the clubs, you always find some of them in the bathroom stalls or at the entry door. Why? Because they provide individuals and groups with great visibility. This said, if you want to get notice, you’ll need a beautiful logo, a unique image or a genius idea. If your sticker gets lost in the sea of others, then no matter how many you leave behind, they will not bring you the notoriety you are looking for.

Going old school doesn’t mean that you won’t be using the modern tools that technology provides. It is only natural to send people to your social media account or to your website. But today, everyone has one or more of those. Business cards and stickers? Not really. Therefore, you create yourself a unique opportunity, by using tools that people have forgotten about, and yet, still work great!