[Find Backpacker, Gap Year and student jobs in Australia and New Zealand]
26, from England
What made you decide to come and study in Oz?
Well, I’ve been thinking of going back to uni for a while now, and I thought it would be much more interesting to do it abroad somewhere and really get the feel for another country.
How long will you be spending in[Australia]?
I’m guessing a couple of years at least. My course lasts a year, then I might get my Working Holiday Visa, and then who knows!
How did you choose your college?
I knew I definitely wanted to live in[Sydney] so I just hunted around the internet. The University of Technology had courses I’m interested in, plus seemed pretty used to international students, so seemed a good place to start.
And what exactly is it that you are studying?
I’m doing a graduate diploma in media.
Have you travelled in Australia yet? If so where, and where are you heading next?
Before I started my course I spent a few weeks racing down the coast, doing all the obvious stuff. I’m hoping to make it to[Melbourne] for the[Formula 1 Grand Prix].
How do you cope for cash?
My savings are long gone so I’m doing some waitressing in[Darling Harbour] to help pay the bills. I’m a student though – I expect to be poor! Half the fun is figuring out how to do everything on the cheap, it certainly helps you get to know the city.
Have you had any memorable moments at your college?
Well, it can be quite funny in the classroom as there’s loads of foreign students
from all over the place so you often get the feeling nobody quite knows what the hell is going on.
What are the good points about your course?
The course is interesting and I feel it will be useful, but I still get plenty of time to actually get out a bit and make the most of being in Australia.
And are there any bad points?
Settling down on an evening to try and write an essay can be a nightmare. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s not just a holiday I’m here for.
What advice can you give other travellers who might be considering studying?
Just do some research before you jump in. It’s a great way to stay in the country for longer, but there’s nothing worse than having to study a course that’s really boring. If you mess up you either have to leave or stick it out for six months, so it’s worth trying to get it right the first time.[Search live jobs now]