How long have you been in Australia?
Nearly four months now. I just wanted to get away from England and experience something new. And I want to to figure out what industry
I really want to work in.
What job are you doing at the moment?
I’m working in promotions and event management.
How did you get the job?
By networking.
What’s the pay like?
Could always be better, but I live comfortably.
Is sponsorship a possibility?
Possibly. If I manage to prove myself there is potential for full-time work with any number of companies. It’s a matter of delivering results!
What job did you have at home?
I just finished university. I was studying music technology but I was doing similar work organising and promoting club nights.
How does working here compare to back home?
Well, I find it easier to get work over here. Promoting club nights which target a certain demographic, like backpackers, is an easy sell.
Where in Australia have you worked so far?
Just in Sydney. I was with a marketing company for three months and quit that job to work more closely with the clubs. Currently I work with Empire Hotel, The Gaff and Cargo Bar. I’m also the entertainment manager for a hostel in Kings Cross.
Any good stories to tell about your new job?
Loads. But most you wouldn’t be able to print! In this type of job I’ve been able to meet some of my favourite artists such as Dizzee Rascal, Estelle, the Wu-Tang Clan and a few other big DJs.