Caia Daly
26, from Ireland

What sort of seasonal work are you doing?
Peeling and packing in a garlic factory.

Where are you working?
In Mildura in Victoria.

Why did you want to do this kind of job?
To get my second year visa.

So what did you do at home?
Worked in finance.

What’s the pay like?
$17.50 an hour for eight-hour days, but it isn’t always consistent. Sometimes there isn’t anygarlic so then we can’t get work.

How did you hear about this job?
I rang up the harvest trail.

What are the best things about your job?
The people that I work with. I have a good craic with the other backpackers.

The worst things?
The smell of garlic and the monotony of the job. Plus the heat.

What are you doing with the money you earn here?
Saving it, except for a box of goon each weekend.

Where have you travelled so far?
Mainly around the Sydney area.

What advice would you give to would-be seasonal workers?
Try and secure your job before you go, get an hourly paid job. and make sure you make friends with the other people in the hostel as they’re what keep you sane.