Make contact with recruitment agencies
Get in touch with a recruitment company that has a branch Down Under, or works closely with recruiters there. Alex Flowerdew of HCL International explains that recruiters can be useful contacts.
“Some of the larger international firms can refer you directly to their offices in Australia and New Zealand and set up interviews from the UK, or as soon as you get back home,” Flowerdew says.
“If you need help with your CV, covering letter or preparing for an interview, a recruiter can give you good, free advice.”
Be realistic about your qualifications
According to Scott Stacey, the managing director of WH Marks Sattin, a reality check about how things stand back home can be crucial.
“Many people return with unrealistic expectations of their worth in their home markets, either in terms of the roles they are suited to, or their salary expectations,” Stacey says.
“Talk to Australian specialist recruiters in your area as well as UK recruiters – and make sure they do have a global network and are actually getting your details to Australia.”
It is also important to build relationships with recruiters, so find someone who you can trust, Stacey advises.
“Global recruiters will generally only be interested in candidates with professional qualifications, as it is difficult to place people who have only done bar work. But if you have good skills and a good resume, most will help you from the UK.”
As usual, who you know can be as crucial as what you know when finding a job.
“Speak to people in your industry in the UK – they may well have contacts Down Under,” Flowerdew says. “Use professional networking sites such as LinkedIn … and talk to old contacts, employers and friends in your industry. Referrals are a very strong tool for potential candidates.”
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Words: Ben Roberts