The job description states that the successful candidate will be required to ‘wade through waste at EnviroWaste’s headquarters in London,’ working hours are flexible as long as 25 hours of searching is completed every week.
The right candidate must have a keen eye and strong nose, with ‘no squeamish tendencies’. We’re sure you can figure out why without us explaining it to you.
Full protective gear will be provided including overalls, boots, gloves, goggles and a mask.
The job is a six months, but they will consider extending.
It might not be the best job in the world, but let’s face it. It’s a job and the money isn’t bad for part time hours.
Now for the application process. Find a hidden gem in the image of waste on the job application page and send the name of the item, along with its location in the image and a CV to by Friday the 9 September.