The 2009 TNT Magazine Travel Writing and Photography Awards recognises and rewards outstanding work in the following photography, writing and online journal categories:

Photography Competitionlens

This section has three categories and a total of four awards

* judged via public online voting of a short list of entries at

Taking into account each award category, your entry should encompass the spirit of travel and be representative of different cultures, lifestyles, landscapes and people you meet while on the road.

view a showcase of last year’s entries.

Submitting your entry

The 19th annual TNT Travel Writing and Photography Awards have now closed.

The shortlists have been selected and voting has now opened for the TNT Travel Writing and Photography Readers Choice Awards!

Check out the shortlisted entries and vote for your favourites

TNT Photography Competition Readers Choice Shortlist


Travel Writing Competitionlens

Travel stories will be accepted as your own original work and must not exceed 1000 words. Entrants may not be trained journalists or earn their main income through writing.

This section has two awards:

  • 1st prize
  • The Reader’s Choice Award for Best Travel Story*

* judged via public online voting of a short list of entries at

TNT Magazine encourages freedom of expression. Submissions for the travel writing competition should represent the theme of travel and be original works. Submissions should meet high standards of grammar and creativity.

Submitting your enty

The 19th annual TNT Travel Writing and Photography Awards have now closed.

The shortlists have been selected and voting has now opened for the TNT Travel Writing and Photography Readers Choice Awards!

Check out the shortlisted entries and vote for your favourites

TNT Travel Writing Awards Readers Choice Shortlist


Best bugbitten Travel Journal Competitionbugbitten

This new award is for the Best bugbitten travel journal.

Entry is free and is open to both new and current bugbitten members, excluding professionals earning their main income through writing/photography. For more information visit the bugbitten TWPA page


The 19th annual TNT Travel Writing and Photography Awards have now closed.