The West Australian reports Hoogland was given the flick from a rooftop bar while out with his fiancée Sarah Sorgiovanni in Perth’s trendy Print Hall shopping and dining precinct.
“I’m not in a gang, I don’t have tattoos all over me, I’m just an everyday person,” he told The West Australian.
Despite wearing wearing a t-shirt, jeans and dress shoes, Hoogland believes his mullet – 10 years of devoted growing – was the offending item.
He says management had told security that they ‘don’t want my type’ in their establishment.
Well, David, Dave, Davo, whatever your mates call you, we reckon it’s their loss.
There’s heaps of good value mullet-worshippers out there – Billy Ray Cyrus back in the day, David Spade’s clueless character Joe Dirt, Andre Agassi when he had hair, 80s Warwick Capper – and your 48-hour rave at the back and business on top effort puts them all to shame.
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