Rev Gavin Tyte, a part-time vicar from Devon, has attracted thousands of hits on YouTube with his nativity rap. Apparently, he’s been beatboxing since the age of eight and claims that, next to the bible, rapping is his main love.

This is the second Beatbox Nativity the vicar has created; last year’s offering also became an internet hit.

“What has been interesting is how ‘The Beatbox Nativity’ has divided people,” said Rev Tyte. “People seem to either love it or hate it, it’s a bit like Marmite. It is no surprise that the nativity – even a contemporised English version – still generates a reaction.

Sample lyrics from The Nativity Factor include:

“No hotel motel custom baby changer, she wrapped the baby up and laid him in a manger.”

“Chill out my friends there’s no need to trepidation, got a message for the world and it’s elation information.”

“Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this occasion, the Lord has reported, we need little persuasion.”

Reactions on Youtube are varied.

“Brilliant! inventive and spot on! Good to see the message portrayed in a different way! Rock on!” said one user.

Others are less impressed.

“Nooooooo! I haven’t cringed so hard from embarrassment in years. This is so painful to watch! It’s like having your parents doing a rap at your 18th birthday,” said one.

Another wrote sarcastically, “Woah, this is so edgy because he is a priest and not a normal person…”