A national political convention to test support for an ANC breakaway party will be moved to Pretoria, co-convenor in the Free State, Charlotte Lobe said on Wednesday.

She said the organisers had been unable to secure accommodation for the 4000 delegates expected in Bloemfontein. Earlier, former ANC chairman Terror Lekota told a Free State convention that the national convention would take place in Bloemfontein on November 2.

Lobe said arrangements for the possible launch of a new political party in Bloemfontein on December 16 were still going on.

Meetings in the Free State and Northern Cape to test support for the national convention would be held this weekend.

In Kimberley “major national figures” were expected to speak about the planned convention and possible new political party on Saturday. Spokesman Fezile Kies said a show of force rally would be held at the Galeshewe Open Air Arena.

He said political figures such as Willie Madisha and Charlotte Lobe would support hundreds of volunteers by embarking on a door-to-door campaign in Kimberley on Friday.

A meeting was also planned for Virginia in the Free State on Sunday.

It was expected that various Free State ANC members would gather to decide if they wanted to support the convention and resign from the party.