Fear not. According to a survey of Brits by Australian breakfast drink Up&Go (which obviously reckons it’s the solution for weird breakfast-eating habits), you are, at least as far as the takeaway goes, among as many as one in three congealed gluten chompers.

Despite knowing the importance of a nutritious kick-start, many people have unhealthy breakfast habits with the bulletproof breakfast (black coffee with butter) backed by the finding that half of you forgo food for coffee in the mornings. Worse still, over a third of those surveyed have eaten chocolate or crisps for breakfast and 25% get their morning boost from energy drinks.

While it’s heralded as the most important meal of the day, almost half of those polled said it’s the meal they are most likely to miss, with 60% admitting to skipping breakfast at least once a week.

It’s not just breakfast they skipped, over 25% go without a shower and a shocking one in 10 swap cleaning their teeth for an extra ten minutes in bed in the morning. 

Less surprisingly, 40% eat breakfast away from the kitchen table while they surf the internet or check their social media but bizarrely, two in every 100 (and that adds up to a lot of people) admitted to eating breakfast while on the loo.

Gives a whole new meaning to Up&Go doesn’t it?

Up&Go, which claims to be Australia’s number one breakfast, says it’s awesome, nutritious and designed for busy mornings. Well, it would, wouldn’t it?