I’m definitely not the type to get all food-shy in front of a potential love interest.

There was just something about Five in Five date #2 that got me nattering away and over sharing/eating like we’d known each other for years, not minutes.

Set up by a mutual friend back home, ‘Chris’ picked Brixton station for a rendezvous. We quickly established that we had a hometown in common, and the conversation flowed over a bottle of wine at Brixton Village market (my first visit, will definitely be back). Another bottle to take to that Thai place around the corner? But of course!

This date didn’t seem to have any of those tentative, getting-to-know-you moments – instead, it felt like hanging with a mate you might only see every few years, but when you do catch up, it’s as if no time has passed.  Fantastic start, right? Or have Chris and I inadvertently ‘friend zoned’ each other from the outset?

I think there is definitely some romantic detachment on my part – knowing that I’m barely halfway through this challenge. I still have three dates to go on, much more money I’d like to raise for charity, and I am absolutely curious to find out who I might meet next!

Although, I don’t believe there is anything in the Five in Five rulebook that says you can’t date the same person more than once – so should Chris crop up again before this challenge is out? I don’t know if there’ll be a second date, but I do see a lot of good food, and long chats over wine in our future.

Missed reading about Carlie’s first date at the Hunterian Museum? Click here.

Carlie’s challenge to go on five dates in five weeks is helping to tackle poverty and homelessness back in Australia. Head here to help her reach her fundraising goal, and show your support for the work of Whitelion, Kids Under Cover and St Kilda Gatehouse.