Q. There’s a guy I like at work, and I think he’s keen, but I am unsure about pursuing a relationship with a colleague in case it goes wrong. What should I do?
Reuben says: It’s a tough call. There’s a girl where I work who has a bit of a reputation and on a night out a few weeks back, she got absolutely smashed. As I was leaving, she literally forced herself into my cab and insisted on coming back to my place.
I’m as red-blooded as the next guy, so we had sex and, naturally, I gave her several orgasms, but then she got weird. She insisted on brushing my hair and acting out scenes from Dirty Dancing she had memorised.
Once we were back at work the next week, she began hassling me to hook up again. I politely declined, so she started spreading rumours about me, telling people that I cry after sex. Whatever.
Only last week, I found my desk drawers full of cut-and-pasted images of her head attached to pictures of hardcore porn – she had also glued her head on to the guys’ bodies. Not cool.
Ruby says: Relationships in the workplace can be a real minefield. Recently, I went out with my workmates for a few drinks on a Friday night and ended up back at a male colleague’s flat. I didn’t really know him that well, but after eight
or nine Sambuca Suicides, I couldn’t help myself.
The bunk beds and Doogie Howser MD box set should have sent up red flags, but I slept with him anyway. He wasn’t bad in bed, but after he had satisfied me, he started weeping uncontrollably. It was awkward, so I bailed.
Now I have to see him at work every day and it’s excruciating. He’s cornered me a few times in the corridors and his requests are growing more and more bizarre.
In future, I’ll stick to having no-strings sex with strangers that I meet on the Tube.