You’ll find one happening at getting on for 100 locations all over Australia on Sunday, 10 May – Mother’s Day.

The event has become a calendar must-do for thousands of families, friends and community groups, who revel in a festive event that supports a serious cause – funding research into breast cancer, Australia’s most common female cancer.

Last year, this national event involved 130,000 Australians in 98 locations, including 87 regional towns and every capital city.

Mother’s Day Classic National Chair, Louise Davidson, said people participate for different reasons: some to honour loved ones lost to breast cancer, others to mark their survival – and a growing number who enjoy the event’s family atmosphere and participate to reach their own health and fitness goals.

“It doesn’t matter how you walk or run, or even how fast, it just matters why,” Ms Davidson said.

Anyone attending a Mother’s Day Classic will see festive dress-ups and an abundance of pink, this doesn’t change the serious undertone of why the event exists in the first place.

“For every pink wig and tutu out on the course, there will be participants wearing tribute cards to honour loved ones living with breast cancer and remember those lost to the disease. We try to make Mother’s Day Classic a fun and memorable day out, but we never lose sight of our purpose,” Ms Davidson said.

Since it began in 1998, Mother’s Day Classic has contributed $24.3 million to the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s research program. In that time breast cancer 5 year survival rates have increased to nearly 90%.

To register, fundraise or volunteer go to