The bus driver picked up the off-duty sailor, 28, who was trying to hail a taxi, following a shopping trip at the Mall of the Emirates. The driver, originally from Pakistan, took a side road and parked alongside several other buses.
“I noticed he did not take the main road and when I asked him he told me not to worry,” the US Navy officer said, according to the Daily Mail.
He then approached the woman and attempted to kiss her. When she rejected him, he pulled out a knife and threatened rape.
She swiftly kicked the knife out of the attacker’s hand, breaking the weapon, then bit into his hand and restrained him on the floor of the bus by pinning him between her thighs around his neck.
A Dubai court charged the 21-year-old man, who claims he was ‘too drunk to remember the incident’, with attempted rape, threatening to kill, assualt and illegal alcohol consumption.
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