You bet you are – and a new app, EnemyGraph, will take you someway near to venting your anger at shit people, products and companies on Facebook.
The app allows you to add Enemies to your Facebook profile – including real victims from your friends list, or from other users of the app. How awesome is that?
As soon as you have declared someone – or something – an Enemy, they appear on your profile on your Enemies list, visible to other users of the app.
Trending enemies at the time of writing include The Westboro Baptist Church (the God Hates Fags gang), racism, Goldman Sachs, bigoted Fox News host Glenn Beck and Canadian mainstream rockers Nickelback.
EnemyGraph’s creator Dean Terry, of the University of Texas at Dallas, describes the app as ‘social media blasphemy’ and gives it a couple of weeks before Facebook closes it down.
“Most social networks attempt to connect people based on affinities: you like a certain band or film or sports team, I like them, therefore we should be friends,” Terry says.
“But people are also connected and motivated by things they dislike.’
The app quotes the late actor Paul Newman as saying “If you don’t have enemies, you don’t have character.”
Too right, Mr Newman.
So don’t go through your life smiling as though everything is always fine – it’s not, and that’s ok. Let it out. Internal negativity is no good for you.
Get the app here.