Friends of a Facebook user who wrote on her wall that she was going to commit suicide with drugs ignored her and some even called her a liar before she was found dead.

Simone Back, 42, posted on Facebook that she was taking an overdose on Christmas night.

Her final cry for help on her wall read: “Took all my pills be dead soon bye-bye everyone.”

Some of her 1048 friends listed on her Facebook profile mocked her over her suicide bid. One called her a liar and another said it was “her choice”.

One Facebook friend wrote: “She ODs all the time and she lies.” Another added: “I hope that she is lying about this or you’re going to feel guilty tomorrow.”

Police broke into her flat 17 hours later and found her dead.

It is unclear if Back, who lived in Brighton saw the messages on her Facebook wall before she committed suicide.

Her mother, Jennifer Langridge is dem­anding to know why no-one had responded appropriately to help her daughter.

“Nobody told me anything about it until the following day when I was sent a text saying: ‘get help’,’ she told the Metro. “I am disabled, so can’t get up the stairs to Sim­one’s flat, so I called the police straight away. It is upsetting to think nobody did anything for my daughter.”

Friend Samantha Pia Owen, said: ‘If one person just left their computer and went to her house she could have been saved.”

Mental health support charities expressed their upset over the incident.

“This is a very sad ref­lection on our commun­ity,” said Graham Bell of Brighton and Hove Depression Alliance.