Starring: Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Matthew Goode

So, fashion designer Tom Ford has decided to make a film, has he? That will be a vacuous vanity project then.

Well, actually, A Single Man is anything but.

An enormously affecting drama about loss and loneliness, this proves that Ford’s talents go way beyond saving Gucci.

He is greatly assisted by Colin Firth, who puts in a performance of rare quality as college professor George Falconer, a man looking for a reason to go on living after the sudden death of his partner (Goode).

Set in 1960s Los Angeles, the film follows Falconer over 24 hours as he is hit on by a student and gets hammered with old friend Charley (Moore), all while preparing to take his own life.

While A Single Man is often over-stylised with lush backdrops straight out of a fashion shoot, it remains a film that packs a huge emotional punch.

Firth has never been better, especially in the heart-wrenching scene where he is told that his lover is dead, and Moore provides fine support as a socialite.

But the real star of the show is Ford, who has lovingly crafted a film that makes him an emerging talent to keep an eye on.


Good for: Those who like a stylish drama.