Guess what? You’re not the only one that doesn’t want someone mucking around with their macaroni.

The survey, conducted by Haywards Pickled Vegetables, reveals three quarters of Brits admit to clashing over the cooking.

The problem seems to stem from a power struggle; 63% of women believe they are the head of the household, while a third of men deem themselves kings of the kitchen. Making a mess in the kitchen was named the number one reason for cooking quarrels, with a third of women admitting it is their ultimate kitchen annoyance.

One in ten chefs get frustrated when someone takes over the cooking, while a further 11% bicker about how long a meal takes to cook.

And what about the first flush of love, when your partner can do nothing wrong? Steak and chips was voted as the top dish to help love lives sizzle. Singletons, on the other hand, ranked omelettes their preferred meal of choice.

Image credit: Thinkstock