Has your dog come out of the closet yet?

Well, if you or anyone you know lives in South Australia then you should be warned about possible dog-homophobia after a restaurant refused to let a blind man bring his ‘gay dog’ onto the premises.

According to the Adelaide Sun, Ian Jolly, 57, was barred from chowing down at the Thai Spice restaurant after staff mistook his guide dog, Nudge, for a ‘gay dog’.

The eatery has been ordered by the Equal Opportunity Tribunal to pay Jolly $1500. It’s not known whether Nudge will be receiving extra dog biscuits to make up for the unwarranted speculation about his sexuality.

“The staff genuinely believed that Nudge was an ordinary pet dog which had been desexed to become a gay dog,” a statement from the hearing said.

Owners Hong Hoa Thi To and Anh Hoang Le claimed that one of the restaurant’s waiters said that Mr Jolly’s partner, Ms Chris Lawrence, stated “she wanted to bring a gay dog into the restaurant.”

The mind just boggles…