A husband dumped after 12 years vented his anger by finding novel uses for his ex-wife’s wedding dress. 101 of them in fact. And now the result will be published in the ultimate book of revenge, 101 Uses For My Ex-Wife’s Wedding Dress.

In response to his wife’s statement that he could do “what the fuck he wanted” with the dress, Cotter began a blog (myexwifesweddingdress.com) in which he subjected the frock to slights such as being used as dental floss, soaking up oil under his car and cleaning his boots.

The jilted husband, from Tuscan, Arizona, claims that his project was not meant as a dig at his ex wife, saying: “My intention isn’t to make this a bash my ex-wife forum and I hope that she can see it that way.

“Really this is only about me and a bunch of silly things I have done with the dress.”

Cotter says he was not expecting the blog to attract so much interest and, in the end, decided to tell his ex-wife about the wedding dress project.

“I hope that she is able to see the lighter side of my shenanigans,” he said. “I know that she was shocked when I told her.”

His wife, however, does not see the funny side.

“I wish all the best to Kevin and hope he seeks counselling to deal with his anger and resentment,” she said.

“His determination, along with his family’s support, to continue with this endeavour after his children and I have asked him to stop is incomprehensible.”

What to you think – bunny-boiler psycho or just plain hilarious?